Screen flickering with 3D enabled

This patch remedies the problem where there is screen flickering when running VirtualBox on a Linux host with nVidia proprietary GPU drivers and 3D acceleration enabled for the guest OS.

The problem in a few words

Basically, it’s described in detail here.

How to patch

Download the patch for your version of VirtualBox (a file named, then copy it to /usr/lib/virtualbox/ directory, overwriting the original file there. Probably it’s wise to also make a backup of the original file, should something not work.

The commands to execute, assuming you downloaded the file to your Downloads folder are:

cd ~/Downloads

sudo mv /usr/lib/virtualbox/

cp /usr/lib/virtualbox/

Please note patches provided here are for 64 bit Linux systems only!

What if I have a later version that what’s available here?

We provide the patches for the versions we use and/or have historically used. This is because of time constraints.

But it’s also worth trying out the patch simply for the latest version available here. As that particular library hasn’t changed for several releases, the latest patch should as well work for a newer version of VirtualBox.

The patches themselves